Accommodation rules

Château Cihelny, Cihelny 5, 364 64 Karlovy Vary (hereinafter also referred to as “hotel complex” or “accommodation provider”) operated by VINLAND Golf Services s.r.o., ID No.: 01988417, VAT No.: CZ01988417, with its registered office at Na struze 227/1, Nové Město, 110 00 Praha 1
  1. Conditions for concluding an accommodation contract
  • Accommodation of guests in the Château Cihelny hotel complex is based on an accommodation contract concluded in accordance with the provisions of § 2326 et seq. of Act No. 89/2012 Coll, Civil Code, under which Château Cihelny (hereinafter referred to as “the accommodation provider”) provides the guest with temporary accommodation for an agreed period of time or for the period of time resulting from the purpose of the accommodation in a facility designated for that purpose, and the guest (hereinafter referred to as “the guest”) undertakes to pay the accommodation provider for the accommodation and for the services related thereto within the period of time specified in these accommodation rules (hereinafter referred to as “the contract”).
  • The accommodation contract is always concluded in writing. At a minimum, a written confirmation of the reservation order or completion of the registration card is sufficient to comply with the form requirement.
  • The rights and obligations of the contracting parties not expressly regulated by the accommodation contract are regulated by these accommodation rules and the price list of the accommodation provider’s services. If the accommodation contract stipulates something different from these Accommodation Rules and/or the accommodation provider’s price list, the accommodation contract shall apply.
  • If the guest fails to comply with the obligations arising from the accommodation contract and the accommodation rules and/or the price list of the accommodation provider attached thereto or otherwise violates the good manners of the hotel (hereinafter referred to as “misconduct”), the accommodation provider is entitled to terminate the accommodation contract before the expiry of the agreed period, even without notice, if the guest has been notified of his/her misconduct by the hotel in accordance with the provisions of §2331 of the Civil Code.
  1. Contract conclusion, booking and reservation
  • The accommodated person is obliged to make an accommodation order with the accommodation provider in writing or make a reservation by phone and then confirm this in writing with the accommodation provider. By written reservation or confirmation of a telephone reservation according to the previous sentence means an order made via the reservation form, by email to the address of the accommodation provider:;;,by post sent to the address of the hotel complex and/or operator listed in the header of these accommodation regulations.
  • Once the accommodation provider receives a written order from the guest or a written confirmation of the reservation, the accommodation provider shall issue an proforma invoice to the guest for a deposit of 30% – 100% of the estimated price of the accommodation, which shall be sent to the guest at the address specified by the guest in the order according to clause 2.1 of this article. The guest is obliged to pay the advance payment within the time limit and according to the conditions stated in the proforma invoice. In case of accommodation without reservation, the full amount of the accommodation price is paid at the time of check-in.
  • The conclusion of the accommodation contract occurs at the moment of delivery of a written order or written confirmation of the reservation to the accommodation provider or by filling in the guest registration card.
  1. Cancellation of reservation, cancellation of contract before check-in, no-show
  • If the guest does not pay the deposit according to Art. I. para. 2.2 duly and/or on time, the accommodation reservation is cancelled upon the expiry of the due date of the proforma invoice.
  • The guest is entitled to withdraw from the accommodation contract before the date of arrival, even without giving any reason. The guest is obliged to deliver a written notice of withdrawal to the accommodation provider. In this case, the accommodation provider is entitled to charge the guest a cancellation fee, the amount of which will be calculated on the amount of the deposit paid, the rate of the cancellation fee will be determined as follows:
The moment of delivery of the resignation to the accommodation provider (in calendar days) Cancellation fee rate (%)
22 days or more before the planned arrival 0% of the deposit paid
21-15 days before the planned arrival 30% of the deposit paid
14-7 days before the planned arrival 75% of the deposit paid
7-1 days/day before the planned arrival 100% of the deposit paid
  • In the event that the guest fails to arrive within 24 hours after the agreed arrival time, the accommodation provider is entitled to withdraw from the accommodation contract and at the same time is entitled to charge the guest a cancellation fee of 100% of the deposit paid. This does not apply if the customer notifies the accommodation provider of the late arrival in advance, but not later than 1 day before the planned arrival by phone or in writing. The form of the notice shall be subject mutatis mutandis to the conditions laid down in Art. 2. para. 2.1 of these Accommodation Regulations.
  1. Arrival to the hotel
  • The guest will report his/her arrival to the hotel reception to the designated staff member.
  • Guests must present their ID card, passport or other proof of identity (e.g. residence permit) at the reception. It will be used by the accommodation provider’s authorised employee to verify the guest’s identity. The guest confirms the accuracy of his/her personal data and the duration of stay by signing the registration card or the accommodation book of the accommodation provider.
  • Unless otherwise agreed, accommodation for arriving guests takes place between 14:00 and 18:00.
  • Upon check-in, the guest will pay an amount representing the additional payment of the accommodation price, i.e. the agreed price for accommodation less the deposit paid according to Art. 2. para. 2.2 of the Accommodation Regulations. Upon payment of the additional price for the accommodation, the accommodation provider will issue a tax document to the guest confirming payment of the entire stay. The last sentence of Art. 2. para. 2.2 is not affected, in which case the accommodation provider will issue a tax receipt to the guest confirming payment for the entire stay. Upon check-in, the accommodation provider is entitled to require the guest to present a payment or credit card as a guarantee of payment up to 100% of the estimated price for accommodation, from which the accommodation provider is entitled to authorize payment after the end of the accommodation in the amount corresponding to the actual price for accommodation and other costs associated with the accommodation, possibly without the presence of the guest (off-line), to which the guest gives his/her consent by providing his/her payment or credit card.
  • The authorized receptionist will acquaint the guest with the accommodation rules no later than on the day of the guest’s check-in.
  • The number of persons per room corresponds to the number of persons registered for accommodation. The guest agrees to notify the exact number of guests upon check-in.
  • The accommodation period is agreed upon at the latest when the guest checks in and is recorded in the accommodation book or on the registration card. The period of accommodation can only be extended with the consent of the accommodation provider and must be supported by an entry in the accommodation book or on the registration card.
  • The guest hereby grants consent to the accommodation provider to process and store his/her personal data, within the scope of the data provided, for the purpose of providing accommodation and registering guests within the meaning of Act No. 565/1990 Coll., on local fees and Act No. 326/1999 Coll., on the residence of foreigners in the Czech Republic and as amended and on amendments to certain laws. Further obligations of the guest and the accommodation provider regarding the keeping of the register and the housekeeping book are set out in the above-mentioned legislation.
  1. General accommodation rules
  • The guest has the right to use the space reserved for his/her accommodation, as well as the common areas of the hotel complex and to use the services associated with the accommodation.
  • Upon check-in, the guest receives a key, respectively. magnetic or chip card, from the room and the entrance to the respective hotel complex (hereinafter collectively referred to as “keys”). The guest is obliged to prevent the loss, destruction or damage of these keys, as well as the disclosure of the keys to third parties who are not a direct party to the respective accommodation contract agreed between the guest and the accommodation provider. Any penalties for loss, destruction, damage and access to the keys according to the previous sentence are worth: magnetic card 1.000 CZK, keys and remote controls from Villa worth: 5.000 CZK per piece.
  • The guest is obliged to:
    • become familiar with the accommodation rules and abide by them;
    • pay the price for accommodation according to the valid price list;
    • to properly use the premises intended for accommodation, to maintain order and cleanliness in all areas intended for accommodation;
    • ensure cleanliness in the accommodation;
    • protect the equipment in the accommodation against damage;
    • immediately report any damage or loss caused by the guest or persons staying with him/her in the hotel complex;
    • from 22:00 until 07:00 behave in such a way as not to disturb other persons by excessive noise;
    • when leaving the room, close the water taps in the room, turn off the lights, turn off electrical appliances that are not in use when the guest is away and close the windows;
    • Please do not bring or eat your own food in the rooms.
  • The guest must not without the consent of the accommodation provider:
    • make substantial changes to the accommodation (moving furniture, moving equipment, etc.);
    • remove any equipment and facilities from the accommodation;
    • to use their own appliances in the accommodation, except for small appliances used by the guest for personal hygiene and office work;
    • transfer the accommodation to another person;
    • to receive visitors in the areas intended for accommodation; visits must be duly registered in the guest book or announced to the receptionist and are only possible between 10:00 and 18:00 with the consent of the accommodation provider; guests may receive visitors only in the common areas of the hotel complex;
    • give the address of the house with accommodation as the place of business;
    • to place animals on the premises of the hotel complex. The owner of the animal is obliged to prove the animal’s safe condition by presenting a valid vaccination certificate upon request;
    • entering the restaurant and wellness with the animal, moving around the hotel complex with the animal /dog/ without wearing the appropriate muzzle and leash
  • The guest is not allowed to stay in the accommodation:
    • Carry weapons, ammunition and explosives or otherwise keep them in a condition that allows their immediate use;
    • possess, manufacture or keep narcotic or psychotropic substances or poisons, unless they are medicines prescribed by a doctor;
    • to smoke;
    • use open flames
  1. The landlord’s liability for the belongings of the guest
  • If the guest requests, the accommodation provider will take custody of cash, jewellery or other valuables. The hotel complex has the right to refuse to take custody of items if they are dangerous or disproportionate in value and scope for the accommodation facility. These are mainly cash or things (e.g. jewellery and other valuables) whose value exceeds CZK 30,000. The landlord requires that the items be handed over to him/her for safekeeping in a closed or sealed box.
  • A claim for compensation for damage caused to the guest’s belongings can only be reported within 15 days of the damage being discovered. Damage will not be covered if the guest or the person accompanying him/her caused the damage.
  • If the guest leaves his/her belongings in the room after the end of the stay and the accommodation is not paid for, the host will remove the guest’s belongings from the room and store them in a safe place to prevent damage. After the accommodation debt has been paid, the accommodation provider will hand over the stored items to the guest.
  1. Safety, guest liability for damage caused
  • Guests are obliged to familiarise themselves with the safety rules and the evacuation plan in case of fire. This plan can be found in each hotel room and can be consulted by the relevant receptionist.
  • The guest shall act in such a manner as to avoid unreasonable harm to the liberty, life, health or property of another.
  • If the guest causes damage to the property of the accommodation provider by his/her actions, the damage incurred will be covered from the deposit paid according to Art. 4. para. 4.5 of the Accommodation Regulations. If the damage incurred exceeds the security deposit, the guest is obliged to pay the difference to the accommodation provider.
  • The liability of the accommodation provider for damage to stored items is governed by the provisions of § 2945 et seq. of Act No. 89/2012 Coll., the Civil Code.
  • The accommodation provider’s liability for damage to the items brought in is limited to 100 times the price of the accommodation for one day. Otherwise, the provisions of § 2946 et seq. of Act No. 89/2012 Coll., Civil Code, shall apply.
  • The accommodation provider does not operate a guarded parking lot and is not liable for damage caused to vehicles and items left in them, unless the accommodation provider expressly declares that he has taken custody of such items.
  1. Departure from the hotel complex
  • The guest is obliged to leave the room where he/she is staying by 10:00 a.m.
  • Guests lock the room and leave the keys and magnetic card at the hotel reception, unless otherwise arranged.

These Accommodation Rules came into force and effect on 28. 3.

On behalf of the Château Cihelny

Viktor Březina,
hotel manager
Lada Kalmánová, reservation / reception